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Panel & Board Production Manager

Careers Profile
You know the manufacturing process, you may have a production background or you may come from another field, either way you'll be committed to managing your teams and producing to schedule.
You'll also have the satisfaction of knowing that you're contributing to the environment by producing one of the world’s most sustainable and environmentally friendly materials.
Your role will vary according to the position, and you’ll usually have the flexibility to learn more about any area of interest, on the job.
Your working day could include:
- Problem solving
- Dealing with clients
- Dealing with your sales people
- Supervising/taking orders
- Production scheduling
- People management.
You will be responsible for efficiently producing products to specification, managing your production people and maintaining client relationships.
Ideal Attributes
You’ll have good arithmetic and writing skills, excellent problem solving ability and enjoy working with people.
A high level of understanding and commitment to occupational health and safety is essential.
Typically, a Panel and Board Production Manager has a trade qualification to Certificate IV level and has work experience in other jobs in the manufacturing process or building industry.
Employers in the forest and wood products industry are very supportive of ongoing training and skills development.
Potential employers are wood panel and board manufacturers and plywood and engineered wood products manufacturers.