These are the go to guys
Employer Profiles

Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts Australia

Chatswood, Oberon, Tumut, Berkeley Vale, Box Hill, Dandenong, Morwell, Yarram, Port of Brisbane, Caboolture, Narangba, Gympie, Ottoway, Mt Gambier, Nangwarry, Subiaco
HR Contact:
Liz Mundey
02 9468 5731
93 002 993 106
Head Office
821 Pacific Highway
Chatswood, NSW 2067
The CHH Woodproducts business in Australia comprises 15 manufacturing sites, and 8 distribution/admin & sales centres in Australia.
With approximately 2,500 staff CHH Woodproducts Group of Companies benefits from the significant energy, commitment and talent of its people, maximising the benefits of a strong asset base, excellent national footprint and leading market position.
CHH Woodproducts Australia Group of Companies services both domestic and export markets. Our strong domestic position is also complemented by by an important and significant export business to Japan, Middle East and South East Asian markets.
The business is underpinned by a strong set of values, from the absolute commitment to safety to the key accountability of delivering what we promise.
With approximately 2,500 staff CHH Woodproducts Group of Companies benefits from the significant energy, commitment and talent of its people, maximising the benefits of a strong asset base, excellent national footprint and leading market position.
CHH Woodproducts Australia Group of Companies services both domestic and export markets. Our strong domestic position is also complemented by by an important and significant export business to Japan, Middle East and South East Asian markets.
The business is underpinned by a strong set of values, from the absolute commitment to safety to the key accountability of delivering what we promise.