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Employer Profiles

CO2 Australia

Melbourne, Wagga Wagga, Condobolin, Perth, Hopetoun
HR Contact:
Trudi Hedley
03 9928 5111
Contact Times:
Monday- Friday 9am- 5pm
81 102 990 803
Melbourne, VIC 3000
CO2 Australia is creating a better climate. The company is Australia's market leader in the establishment and management of major commercial reforestation projects. Called 'carbon sinks' these forests are designed to lock-up carbon and, by doing that, lessen the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on our climate. As a fully accredited provider, CO2 Australia offers a commercial, low-cost solution for large greenhouse gas emitters to reduce their emissions profile through planting and maintaining trees.
CO2 Australia manages over 16,500 hectares of carbon plantings across New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia; equal to more than 24 million trees.
In addition to capturing and storing carbon dioxide, the most problematic greenhouse gas, these large-scale plantings also improve biodiversity and help the Australian landscape by reducing the risk of soil erosion and salinity.
Proudly Australian, CO2 Australia is a wholly owned subsidiary of the ASX listed CO2 Group Limited.
CO2 Australia manages over 16,500 hectares of carbon plantings across New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia; equal to more than 24 million trees.
In addition to capturing and storing carbon dioxide, the most problematic greenhouse gas, these large-scale plantings also improve biodiversity and help the Australian landscape by reducing the risk of soil erosion and salinity.
Proudly Australian, CO2 Australia is a wholly owned subsidiary of the ASX listed CO2 Group Limited.