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Employer Profiles

ForestrySA (South Australian Forestry Corporation)

Mount Gambier
HR Contact:
Narelle Lewis
08 87242719
Contact Times:
8.30am - 5pm
Online: Forestry SA website, Friday Offcuts e-newsletter, Institute of Foresters Australia, Seek
Print: The Advertiser and The Border Watch newspapers
57 969 474 679
Head Office
Jubilee Highway East
Mount Gambier, SA 5290
ForestrySA manages South Australia's state-owned plantation resource, which consists of approximately 94,000 ha of primarily radiata pine in the Green Triangle and Ranges regions.
ForestrySA's Head Office is located in Mount Gambier. ForestrySA produces and milldoor delivers log and woodchips which are used to produce sawn timber, pulp, panels, veneer and posts. An annual replanting program is maintained at about 2500ha, plus new land as available.
ForestrySA also provides community and recreational facilities within these forests and manages an additional 25,000 ha of native forest area for conservation. ForestrySA is committed to the responsible and sound environmental management of plantation and native forest, and maintains a Forest Management System certified to the internationally recognised Australian Forestry Standard (AS 4708), as well as ISO 14001.
ForestrySA's Head Office is located in Mount Gambier. ForestrySA produces and milldoor delivers log and woodchips which are used to produce sawn timber, pulp, panels, veneer and posts. An annual replanting program is maintained at about 2500ha, plus new land as available.
ForestrySA also provides community and recreational facilities within these forests and manages an additional 25,000 ha of native forest area for conservation. ForestrySA is committed to the responsible and sound environmental management of plantation and native forest, and maintains a Forest Management System certified to the internationally recognised Australian Forestry Standard (AS 4708), as well as ISO 14001.